The time is now

It?s after the press conference, on the big stage. Did I do OK?

Monday night was wild. I got a bunch of calls — and 52 texts — on my phone. I haven?t answered, at least not yet.

The last few weeks have been exciting, and maybe at times I was a little nervous. But sometime during the last game, I just came to accept it. I just kind of relaxed a little and said, ?Hey, we?re going to go out and play and see what happens.?

It was a roller coaster, no doubt about it. When [the Padres? Scott] Hairston hit the home run, the bottom kind of fell out. I knew we were going to come back and put a fight up, but I knew the odds were against coming back and beating one of the greatest closers of all time. But Matt [Holliday] did a great job and Tulo [Troy Tulowitzki] did a great job, and it made it that much more special the way we won.

It?s been a long time getting to the playoffs, but we?re here now.


  1. Sid

    Mr. Helton,

    It was fitting that the greatest game of the 2007 season was a tiebreaker that went into extra innings, because this season has been the greatest in my lifetime. I too thought it was over when Hairston hit that home run, but when you guys came out strong against Hoffman, I knew something special was about to happen.

    Good luck in Philly. In my postseason predictions on my blog, I couldn’t pick the Rockies/Phillies series without the help of a coin flip.

    Thank you for providing your share of the most exciting season in MLB history!

    -Sid McHenry


    Hey Todd! What an incredible run to the post season. I know that I feel just like so many other Rockies fans out there that feel that we too have been waiting for this moment in history. Can’t watch the game (at work) but will be on MLB – Gameday to keep up to date. We wish you all the best! Already have tickets for Saturdays game!! YEA!! Go Rockies!! It’s ROCKtober!!


    Todd, congrats on a great September! It’s been an exciting and nerve wracking roller coaster ride. Your loyalty to the Rockies is much appreciated. I’ve been a fan of the Rox since they came into existence in 1993. This is the sweetest season ever! You and all your teammates deserve this shot in the post season. I know you will all play your hearts out and I’ll be cheering for you all the way.
    Now, go beat the Phillies!


    Mr. Helton,

    First of all congratulations! I have followed your career since you were a rookie and no one in baseball deserves a post season experience more than you. In my mind you are the best two-strike hitter baseball has seen since Micky Mantle.

    Next, I would like to thank the entire team for the most exciting season of hard fought baseball I have ever seen in my 2o years of whatching!

    I wish you and the rest of the Rockies great success againts the Phillies!!!

    -Adam Valentine


    Way to go Todd! I have been a fan of baseball since I was 8 years old (1968 the year the Tigers won the World Series)…..and a fan of the Rockies since 1993. I had no doubt going into the last 14 regular season games that the Rockies would make it to where they are today-playing in October. Play like you have and you will all go far…and the fans will continue to be your cheerleaders! Thanks Julie



    Yes, you did very well in your interviews. You were so sincere and happy! Hopefully you’ve sent a thank-you card to Alfonseca for throwing at your head. I believe that one action got you, and your unbelievable teammates, started on the “run”. What disrespect he showed to you, one of the premier players in the league.

    I’m listening right now to the first inning of the first game, and Jeff just struck out the side. Way to start! I also want to wish you and your teammates the best of success. The team motto should be “Let’s play Two at Coors!” Oh, and you just tripled. Go Todd!!!

    Thank you for being you. Deb


    Congrats! I am so glad you finally made the playoffs! I always thought you had a chance and now you made it! I live in New York so I can’t watch many games but I am so excited about watching the playoff games!



    Congratulations! What a relief it is for us fans to see you finally get your chance and getting into pennant race basball. I too have followed your career since you were in the Springs and the heir apparent to the Big Cat. What a great way to qualify for the post season as the hottest team in baseball and keep in mind, the whole thing is essentially up for grabs. You guys can do it. And when the season is over, be sure to put in for a badged Oryx hunt down here in NM, and I will personally escort/guide you.



    I am a huge Rockies fan, all the way from Michigan. Yes, my favorite American League team is the Tigers, but the Rockies are right up there. I don’t get an opportunity to watch the Rockies play on television (don’t usually broadcase the games here), but loved every minute of the game on Monday. I was ecstatic to see one of my favorite teams, and player, make it to the playoffs.

    I wish you and the entire team great success in the playoffs. I will be rooting for the Rockies, all the way to the World Series!!

    Beat the Phillies!!!


    Mr. Helton,
    I had no doubt that you and the Rockies would come back from that 2 run homer in the top of the 13th. After all, your batting average against Hoffman is astronomical. When the Rockies play the Padres, I always say “Put Trevor in!” I am so glad you chose to stay in Colorado and have been such an important part of the team for 10 years. Thank you for all you do and good luck in the post season!


    Hey Todd,

    You are amazing. I have your autograph from your rookie year and I treasure it. You rock my world. Congrats on the game Monday. I’m keeping an eye on Gameday here at work today!


    Thank you for everything you have done for Denver and all the Rockies fans who have stuck with the team thru thick and thin! We, along with our cat named Helton, are pulling hard for you! – Katie & Scott


    Hey Todd,

    I am so proud to see you and all these guys finally getting what I feel you deserve!!! I was a fan of your from the day I saw you at the park and you were kind enough to acknowledge me!You might remember, I’m the one that gave Christy the porcelain doll!

    I went on the become a HUGE fan, because of you, and I still am and I’m so happy for you! I was at the park and when Matt was called safe, I cried like I cried when my son was born!

    I’m so happy for you!!!



    Todd: you did great during the interviews, and congrats on taking the first game vs. the Phillies. Keep on rollin’! Colorado is 100% behind the Rockies!


    Hi Todd, it’s nice to read about your experience in these playoff games. Congratulations on getting there! I live in San Diego and thus am a big Padres fan and was heartbroken after the playoff game. But boy what a game! It made me feel better to know it could have gone either way. So I will be rooting for you and the Rockies right through to the big game! Good luck!
    Denise in SD


    Dear Todd, Nobody deserves it more than you! Congratulations to you and your determined teammates. We are proud of you!
    Terry and Dana in Mancos, CO


    Yo Helton, im from LA, my team is the DODGERS, but good luck this postseason. keep it in the NL West.

    Oh yeah if either the Angels or Yanks go to the World Series and you guys make it, kick there butts..!!


    Hello Todd,
    As a continuous season ticket holder since 1992, I can honestly say that there has never been a Rox team to rival this one. Power in the 3-6 holes, speed at the top, best-ever fielding (what a wonderful change from those days when we’d cringe at a hot shot to the left side of the infield!), in-yer-face relievers (both mid and late relief!!) and a host of big hearted gamers (YorVIT!). Even before the all-star break we had a feeling that something special was brewing at the Park on the Platte. What our family loves most is that the team finds wonderful new ways to win (small or big ball, pitching duels or killer-D). Keep on Rock’n in the Free World!!

    Karl and family in Boulder


    Dear Todd, I have been going to Denver Baseball games since the field was called Bears Stadium. Even in 1995 the feeling was that we were lucky to be there and we didn’t expect much. We have a great picture of you signing my daughters Rockies jersey back in 2000. This same daughter and I were at the 2nd game of the last Diamondbacks series and a lady in front of us looked back at us during your last at bat and said “that guy is an example of all that is good about baseball”. You deserve this and we are all psyched about what this team is capable of doing. Momentum is on your side, especially now that we have won game one. I wish you the and the whole team the best. Mark


    Congratulations on your playoff win at Philly. Monday night was great. In Fountain City within spitting distance of Central High it was 1:00 AM. Go out and have fun….who knows what will happen.

    Go Rockies, Vols, & Bobcats

    Kenton Page



    You have been the heart of this team for years!! No one deserves this great accomplishment more than you… Congrats on making it to the Playoffs. The fun part is that a different person has stepped up to make the big play, or make the big play. What a fun time of year!!! Your Biggest fans,

    The Humphries Family


    Dear Todd

    This is a great way for us to know how you and your team are doing.

    You might not always have the time to update but we are greatful that you decided to blog.

    I almost quit my job to follow your team to Philly this week. I know some of the hardcore fans are out there to support the Rox.

    But for the majority of us, that couldnt afford to lose the job, this blog makes us feel close to you guys.

    So I thank you again for this great idea and hope that you update as often as you can.

    much love


    hey todd, i want to share some of my thoughts with you. i think you as well as the rest of the rockies have been honest about what you say to the media. it’s special to see such control/integrity, honesty, and knowledge of the game. now that you guys have made a name for yourselves nationally, it’s been impressing everybody watching how you guys continue to just do your thing. you have something special here in colorado, your teammates have hung together all year long and have developed something unique and it shows on the field. the rockies have developed an integrity for the game that has undoubtedly been noticed now, and it will pay off handsomely as you wind down your career and as the rockies continue as an organization. i loved hearing jamie carrol after the wildcard playoff – “we’re young and don’t know any better”. haha, but you continue to prove yourselves out on the field rather than in a press conference and it’s developed a respect from myself of course, but around the league… no doubt the leadership in this organization going all the way down to the farm teams is to blame for all this, haha, but i do believe that this year is just a preview of what’s to come for the rockies for years to come.


    I am so proud of the way your team competed this year. Way to go…i am so proud of you and the way you never gave up. You guys were 4.5 games out of the wild card with 14 games left and i the fact that you guys won all but one of those games is truly remarkable. You have a will to win like i’ve never seen. Best of luck to you in the playoffs buddy. You deserve it!

    -Cole j. from Montana


    Wow! What a couple of days (or weeks) it has been! Way to go, Todd! You’ve stuck strong with your team and you’ve all come together this year to make something great! Now go get ’em in game two! Go Rox!


    You and the rest of the Rockies have made this summer very special for my wife and I. I am a surgeon (trauma at St. Anthony’s) who had to retire due to MS and now have the time to follow the team closely. You guys exemplify the best in sports and you represent Colorado with class. I’m proud to be a fan. This team is deep and balanced lefties and rigties. The east coast under-estimates you guys and that is a great advantage. Good luck the rest of the way to the World Series!


    Mr. Todd Helton
    You deserve this playoff season more than anybody on the team. You’ve been with us for eleven years now, and haven’t gone to the postseason until now. I am so glad that you didn’t get traded earlier this year, you’ve been my favorite player ever since you started. I wish you and the Rockies the best of luck in Rocktober, and just hope that you keep doing what you’ve been doing – hitting the ball. Just remember, there’s one down, two to go.

    Thanks for listening,

    Brandon Elliott

    ps. you’re walkoff homerun against the dodgers was the best thing for this team – good job, man


    Mr. Helton,

    You might vaguely remember me from Chase Dejean’s birthday party (we were their neighbors in C.R.). Can’t tell you how amazing it was to be in a bar in San Diego dressed in purple and watch you guys win the way you did. God Bless You sir. We are all praying for you guys. Keep on winning!


    Hey Todd,
    That night when you hit the walk-off against the Dodgers, I knew we were getting to the playoffs. I told my brother that night: “That right there, is a season changer!” I didn’t expect however this kinda run that you guys are on right now. all I can say is WOW! No one in baseball is more deserving of the post season and a chance at the World Series than you my friend! I have been a Rockies fan from day one 1993 and I have never been more proud to be a fan then right now.

    Good luck tomorrow and this weekend let’s sweep them Phillies and continue this magical unbelievable season!




    This is great that you have a blog now 🙂


    Mr. Helton,

    I was 11 when this team was last in the Playoffs, and I have seen many great moments following the Rockies throughout the year.

    However, the walk of you hit against the Dodgers will be one I remember for the rest of my life.

    You deserve this more then any other player in the Majors today. Go win the World Series for the fans, but more importantly, go win a world series for you!



    PS – I will be there for game 4 (if it goes that far) I will be in the right field corner third deck, with purple hair face paint, and a purple fever sign. My girlfriend and I will be yelling as load as possible so be sure to listen.


    Hi Todd~cudos to you and the rest of the team and staff for making this season as exciting as I’ve ever experienced…the tiebreak game was, I believe, the very best I’ve EVER witnessed. This team is extraordinary, and it’s a real treat to see. Am especially happy for you, because of all you’ve contributed over the years here in Denver. Continued success to you and the Colorado Rockies team.


    Todd, thanks for doing this blog and congratulations on an astounding season. One year ago this month, we were in St. Louis the same three nights they played games 5,6, and 7 of the NLCS. The feeling everywhere was one of excitement and hope and victory. It’s truly great to have you and your teammates bring that buzz to Denver.

    Oh, and Monday’s game was probably the best game I have ever seen in 40 years as a baseball fan.


    Mr. Helton,

    My brother and I are extreme Mile High fans through the thick and thin. We were just ranting and raiving 3 years ago about the Rockies and the incredible farm system they had to go along with a wonderful core – YOU!! We would tell everyone- you just wait!!!!The time has come that our judgement has been correctly proven. I drove down to Denver for the Yankees series and you all proved what the Rockies are capable of. The lineup this year is amazing! You are truly one of the best pure hitters of all time. I think Atkins, Matsui, Holliday, Tulowitzki, and Hawpe have been trained by the best. Good luck man!


    Hey Todd-
    This is without a doubt the most exciting season I’ve ever witnessed as a Rox fan. Ever since that magical ’95 season, the Rockies have been my team, through thick and thin. I remember getting excited about this team back in ’05, thinking about this team’s future. And now, the future’s here! I feel so fortunate to witness the walk-off against the Dodgers that started this wild run, being able to watch the greatest comeback I have ever seen with rallying against Trevor Hoffman. After Monday’s win, I just smiled; ‘Helton is finally in the playoffs,’ I thought. This is for you, for the whole team! Congrats Todd, you deserve this more than anyone I know.

    -Cheyne Heiny


    Good job Todd, and don’t worry about responding to my text msg. I was a little drunk when it was sent and there was a cop following me when I sent it. I meant to write; OMG THT WAS FN AWSOME!!!



    Congrats! I am so happy for you and the team. I moved to Denver in 1998, and have been a Rockies fan ever since. This season has far exceeded any expectations. I really think your HR against LA really energized the team for this amazing run. I was hoping Hoffman would pitch to you in the 13th so you would get a chance at the winning RBI! The never-give-up attitude of this team is inspiring! Good luck in the playoffs, and enjoy every minute of the experience! We will be rooting for you and the team all the way!



    It was great to see your reaction at getting into the playoff’s. From your minor league start here in Asheville you have always worked hard and been a great representative of the game. All the folks around McCormick Field are very excited for the Rockies keep up the great work.


    You are a leader of a team with character. Our family rarely misses a game and continually discuss the positive influence you are having on the sports community and on each other. The fans are getting to see something special this year, and it isn’t just about winning games. Thank you.


    Your leadership by example is paying dividends. Congratulations and thank you for playing consistently great baseball offensively and defensively.

    Now you’re in the playoffs. This team has such great chemistry and character that you should fair well. Patience and perseverance will be needed to succeed. With the extra days’ rest, the pitching staffs will be ready for all teams.

    Best of luck,

    Jim Menghi


    nice work todd! i was really excited to see you triple in your first playoff at bat. it’s the most exciting play in baseball.


    Congratulations!! I am so happy for you and your team in making it to the playoffs and starting off with a win in Game One against the Phillies. I have been a Rockies fan since the beginning in 1993 all the way here in LA. I loved watching you and the rest of the team sweep the Dodgers the last 2 times you played them. I might be the only Rockies fan at Dodger Stadium, but it makes it that much sweeter when you guys won. Keep on winning!! Rockies in ’07!!!!


    Todd, Can you BE any cooler??? You’re the greatest! My husband asked last night if we could name our kid Todd, after you!! Congrats! I’ll remember these games forever!


    God Bless you Todd!
    When you made that sacrificial trip to have dinner with us in Cheyenne, in January, we knew the Lord was going to bless you this season…and He has! We were fortunate enough to be at all four games this “tie-breaker” weekend. Incredible! A dream come true for all of us.

    Todd, your generosity of spirit, your selflessness, your talent are gifts from God and you do them honor.

    We’ll continue praying for you, your family and the team.

    The Montana Girls,

    Doretta, Linnea and Reneč


    Four years ago you met my daughter who has leukemia and gave her your bat, batting gloves, and hat. You made her day then and now her and my son watch every game. They idiolize you and love the rockies. Your a class act both on and off the field. I can’t think of a better role model for my kids! Thank you for making this season the most exciting yet! We will be there Saturday for the last game of this series!

    Michelle, Morgan, and Brodie

    (your biggest Pueblo Fans)


    Todd: I am a Vol that sya you play in college. Followed your progress for a long time. Go out and have some fun, you desrve it. These are great days, take it all in. Play hard and Go Vols!


    Congatulations on making it to the playoffs!!!! I am a University of Tennessee alum and supporter. I’ve followed your career from U.T. to now. I can remember sitting in row 2 @ Lindsey Nelson Stadium beside Snapper and could hear your Uncle shout “come-on 3”. I remember you hitting the Regional GRAND SLAM for Tennessee that hit the scoreboard in the ninth inning before about 6,000 screaming fans. Still the best moment in UT baseball history. Heck, I even scraped my arm up reaching under the fence to get a foul ball you hit ( endured a tetnus shot).

    I got the ball!

    You are not forgotten in Knoxville!! This town is going crazy for the Rockies!!

    God Bless and let’s keep it going…all the way to the WORLD SERIES!!!!!!

    Highest Regards,




    It is great to see that you and the Rockies are geting the attention tht you deserve from the national media. You have put up some mind blowing stats in the last 10 years, and I am sure that you will keep puting up those kind of numbers for years to come. I am sure that this is just the first of many postseason series for you and the rockies. I have followed the rockies since day 1 in 1993 and on monday night I have never been happier to say that I am a Rockies fan. Once again congradulations on winning the wild catd and good luck in the playoffs. I am looking forward to flying out to Denver to see a playoff game at coors field.


    (biggest rockies fan in Las Vegas)


    Hey –
    I told my wife this spring that the Rockies would never be in a playoff game in my lifetime. Ummmmm……

    Anyway, I figure this is my reward for not missing more than 10 games in the last 5 years.

    I am so happy –



    Hi Todd. It’s been an amazing road here with the Rockies – my son & I have been fans since moving here in ’98. You play with such heart all of the time, it’s terrific to watch you and the rest of the Rockies truly having fun. Your professionalism on and off the field and show of sportsmanship have made you a hero around our house, and that never-give-up ethic you have is inspirational. While parents should be the true role models, thank you being an example for my son and congratulations on an infinitely deserved play-off appearance. Way to go to you and the rest of the Rockies!



    Luckily, I was at the Monday game. Have been coming to the games since ’93. I love baseball and especially the Rockies!!! That game was one of the most exciting things I’ve ever experienced! The atmosphere at Coors was amazing! Thanks to you and the rest of the team for a great experience. Here’s to many more to come!


    Hey Todd,
    We just wanted to say congratulations from Knoxville. We are so proud for you and the whole Rockies organization. It’s amazing how everyone is pulling for the Rockies here @ home. Everywhere we go the games have been on with everyone watching. Keep up the great playing and let’s close this series Saturday night. Hello to Christy & Tierney Faith. Hope to see you when you’re in Knoxville.

    Chris Brown & Sharon


    Todd, if you read this before we (Dbacks) meet up again, just wanted to pass on to you all, that there are a lot of us Diamondbacks fans that feel, if we don’t make it to the World Series we are glad it will be the Rockies. What was that they said a year or so ago? – the horrible west? And here two of our teams made it to the play offs. Good luck if you guys make it.


    hey todd you are the man and i think you deserve this for all you have done for the team and i am proud to be a die hard rockies fan i reamember goping to the games when vinnie and dante bishchet where in the team and i was hooked on you guys i am gonna watch you guys on tv thursday and i have been to couple of this years games and i really think its our year to win it all.GOOOOOOO TODD AND THE ROCKIES


    Unbelievable game and run over the last few weeks. Have enjoyed every minute. Keep it up and look forward to Thursday.


    Hello Mr. Helton,
    How do you feel about Jamey’s role in the win against the Padres? How do you see players like him and Baker contributing to the group? Are they important keys or are they interchangable parts? I guess I’m asking if it would have been possible to get this far with any “supporting cast” or if it was this particular group of guys that made it possible. Thanks.

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