Whole new ballgame

Batting_1 Hitting-wise, I felt I was seeing the ball well at the end of the regular season. As for now, we?ll see.

We?re still facing some really good pitchers. I?m not concerned with my numbers or any of the stats right now.

Actually, I could care less. It?s all about wins and losses. If I had gone 1-for-12 against the Phillies and we?d have lost those games, that would have been an issue.

Now I can wipe that slate clean and think about the games coming up.


  1. jimbomcdaniels@sogetthis.com

    I just wanted to take this chance to thank you (and the rest of the team) for being so down to earth. Many people put professional sports players on a pedestal. This team is a fantastic reminder that you guys are just like the rest of us, with the added bonus that you are terrific athletes and entertainers. I’ll be there on Monday and Wednesday if need be with 50,000 other people who appreciate everything you’ve done. Good luck!

  2. eddiehinchee@gmail.com

    I am so glad to see you all relaxed and poised for these games. Have you heard from or received any tips from your old friend Peyton Manning? I will be watching you guys tomorrow night. I just hope you have fun and enjoy the series. I am looking forward to ya’lls return. I will be there Sunday and Monday.


  3. trujillosevers@msn.com

    Hey, Todd!
    A fellow hunter is putting out the following request – please send the D-Backs on their way to their favorite hunting grounds next week!…….. I have a favorite spot for B&C muley bucks down in southern CO, just north of the Jicarilla Reservation in NM. Jicarilla has been the number one spot in the nation for trophy-class muleys for as long as I’ve been hunting, and I get the same results without ever crossing over the NM state line! If you’re interested, go to jicarillahunt.com and browse their site, and after the Rockies have gone as far as they can go (WS!), I’ll be happy to back up my words w/ pictures and stories behind them. But for now, GO ROCKIES!

  4. jmabary@yahoo.com

    WIN! WIN! WIN!

    The Fans are with you. Maybe even in person tonight – sounds like there are plenty of seats and people are driving down to AZ in droves. Even if you don’t see us or hear us – we are with you!

    Those of us that are stuck in Denver will be glued to our TV’s tonight, routing through our screens.

    Welcome back to Willie T!

  5. broncofreak1430@hotmail.com


    No worries man the fans are with you! Kinda funny the first pitch you see of your postseason career you hammer into left center for a triple! Maybe all that running took a little energy out of you for the other two games…only kidding! But I am just so proud of you guys. You have stepped up in ways i never thought you knew how and have turned into one of the elite teams in baseball. I’m going to be cheering hard for you guys tonight. Just play hard, execute, and play the game the right way and you’ll come out winners in the end.

    -Cole Johnson Missoula, MT

  6. bioczarina@excite.com

    We were there in Denver Saturday night to see our “son” Jimenez pitch. What a thrill it was to experience that night with you guys!! (I sat next to your wife for the second half of the game, and she is an absolutely beautiful and sweet woman). It’s killing me that I won’t be able to make any of the other playoff games, but I wanted you to know how many people will be watching with great admiration and anticipation of success, for you are such a deserving player!!! I know Jimenez thinks the world of you. Good luck 🙂

  7. kevinmlewis@hotmail.com

    Dear Helton and Heroes,
    As a Colorado native, I want to say how ******* exciting it is to be watching Colorado Baseball in October! It is also great to hear that Willy will be back in the line-up for tonights game. My fiance and I are flying down tomorrow for the game and will be sitting about 15 rows up from the first base dugout proudly sporting our black and purple. GO ROCKIES!!!

  8. nancyinpueblo@aol.com

    We are proud of you and the entire team. Kudos to all!Play hard and smart in Arizona. Even though we cannot be with you in person Thurs & Fri, know that we are very much with you from our living room cheering you on all the way. You and the gang “ROCK”

  9. cessnet@sbcglobal.net

    One Win each day, you are so focused on the column of them, the rest will fall into place – I’m so firedup for tonight! My son will probablly fall asleep, but SUNDAY or Monday is your next step to the WS

  10. rylla@msn.com


    We love you, we are so happy for you. You have done so well this season and we can’t wait to see you go on!

  11. k2cubradio@gmail.com

    I am really excited for you and the rest of the guys. The D-Backs have already won it all, now it’s your turn!

  12. staceriley@gmail.com

    Holy Cow!!

    I can’t believe I just found this blog.

    Kudos, Todd, for taking the time to communicate directly with Rockies fans.

    Take it to the snakes tonight!

  13. lukekleary@hotmail.com

    I’m here Todd. I am in AZ and am in your guys corner!! C’mon Rox !! No need for individual glory, all will be held in the highest of high regards if your team just keeps doing the same thing. Keep it going Rockies !!

    p.s. D-Backs fans down here are seriously just assuming they will be playing in the WS, that’s the truth, they haven’t even sold out tonight. Not even close. WE are STILL the underdogs !! Go get em’ boys !!

  14. styx@rushmore.com

    First off I want to thank you so much for a great year. I am in high school and just love getting to talk about the team and players at school and how good it is to be a Rockies fan. It was so fun to follow the Rockies and to get so excited after you made the playoffs. You had a incredible year along with many others on the team and I love it how you and I know others put the team first. I only got to see a few games this year due to the fact I live in South Dakota and it a long drive down there but I was there when you beat the Dbacks 11-1 the second to last game of the series. So I want you and everyone else to go out there this series and kick some Diamonback butt!!! We will see you in the World Series!! GO ROCKIES!!!!!

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